Upgrading Smart House to the latest version.

Upgrading Smart House to the latest version.

Get an offer for an upgrade of your older smart house system.

Get the opportunity to get a User Interface on your Phone, Ipad, Computer, yes everything with a browser, do data logging, and keep an eye on the temperature in e.g. the house. Replace your old dimmers in the board and you can use LED bulbs as well as set the dimmer level from the phone etc. Open protocols such as BACNet and Modbus are part of the new controller. Possibility of energy meters and data collection, etc.
Carlo Gavazzi developed the new SH2DUG24 bus module, so that with a new controller, you can replace all the older controller types, without having to change other components in the installation. In this way, we offer our customers an upgrade of the existing installation, without having to replace the entire system.

Call or write.

Phone: 31597010

Email: info@smarthousedanmark.com




Smart-House is suitable for controlling lighting, ventilation, heating, alarms, etc. There are many options for options for the system, e.g. motion sensors, light sensors or a fingerprint scanner at the door.

When the system is integrated with the mobile phone, extra security and flexibility is achieved. Receive e.g. an SMS message from the home if the alarm goes off, so you can request the necessary help.

It is possible to "actively" enter the house via SMS and change various parameters or e.g. turn on the heat on the way home from the office.


Since Smart-House is based on a bus system, you can expand or change the system at any time and connect directly from anywhere in the home.

This avoids long cable runs back to the main board. The central unit in the system is the Smart-House controller, this is typically placed in a rack, together with the home's other electronic equipment.

The system is equally suitable for a small apartment as for a larger home and at the same time one of the most flexible solutions
on the market in relation to price. Here you can on a simple
way to combine cable runs with wireless products, which makes the system suitable for both new builds and renovations

2 kommentarer til “Upgrading Smart House to the latest version.

  1. Jann Kjeldsen siger:

    Godt system dog er jeg selv ved at samle alle mine “smart” things under en app nemlig “home assistant”. Har i nogle guides til hvordan man exponerer jeres componenter over mod homeassistant eller er i på vej med en integration her til måske?

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